Revi takes part in the Open GES Xperience congress held in Barcelona


Open GES Xperience has a highly technological focus and is aimed at installers. Its organiser, the Electro Stocks Group, brings together the main manufacturers in an intense day that opens new business opportunities and offers workshops, conferences, more than 80 exhibitors and awards to companies in the industry that stand out for their innovation.

Throughout the day, the most recent trends and the most debated matters in the forefront of the electricity sector were showcased. Some of the activities dealt with strictly technical issues, such as the challenges of digital transformation for the installer, the future in residential aerothermy, digital transformation as an innovation paradigm or intelligent lighting. Others focused on aspects such as leadership, enthusiasm and overcoming focused on professional success.

Although 2018 is the first edition of the Open GES Xperience, the Electro Stocks Group has solid experience in the organisation of this kind of events. For five successful years it was in charge of Electro FORUM, a meeting which now carries on its legacy through the Open GES Xperience.

As a manufacturer of tubes and pipeline systems, the Revi Group wanted to be present at a congress that has been able to gather more than five thousand professionals in its inaugural edition. This number places it as one of the major references in the industry.


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