Revi lends its support to the third edition of the ADIME Meeting


The Asociación Nacional de Almacenistas Distribuidores de Material Eléctrico (ADIME) was established in 1995 with the aim of providing assistance and representation to member companies, as well as managing and defending their legitimate interests. Currently around one hundred companies are part of the association.

The third ADIME Meeting of the Electrical Material Sector is where the main actors of the value chain will meet in order to discuss the present and future of the industry.

The event, which will take place on Wednesday, May 22, 2019 in Madrid, has established itself as a point of reference and a meeting place to debate and show the trends of the sector.

With the motto "Present and future of the installation company. A key piece to generate value in the Sector ", ADIME proposes an interesting program, as well as the results of a global study carried out to installation companies that will undoubtedly provide attendees with an indispensable strategic vision to face future trends and challenges the industry is facing.

This third ADIME Meeting is the ideal forum to intensify relations and generate synergies with the companies that attend the event.

Revi, again faithful to its philosophy of collaboration and support to companies and entities in its professional field, will be one of the sponsors of the event.


Esta entidade foi beneficiaria da convocatoria de axudas a servizos modulares de asesoramento especializado a empresas galegas prestados por entidades colaboradoras

O obxectivo principal destas axudas é o reforzo do crecemento sustentable e a competitividade das pemes e a creación de emprego nestas, taménmediante investimentos produtivos.

O resultado que se pretende acadar é a posta en marcha dun programa de servizos a pemes que, a través de empresas colaboradoras, permita ás pemes executar proxectos de mellora en distintos ámbitos relacionados co seu desenvolvemento estratéxico, profesionalización e innovación.


Proxecto acollido ao programa de incentivos 1, 2 e 3 vencellados ao autoconsumo e ao almacenamento no sector servizos e noutros sectores produtivos, no marco do Plan de Recuperación, Transformación e Resiliencia europeo, financiado pola Unión Europea - NextGenerationEU (código de procedemento IN421W)


Compoñente (C7:I1) Actuacións de xeración con enerxías renovables
Inversión TotalInversión Total 406.926,00 €
Importe da axuda 122.077,80 €
Potencia (kW) 550,375 kWp

Real Decreto 477/2021 - Resolución do 29 de setembro de 2021

Acceso al informe para instalaciones de más de 100 KW (CONDUCTORES ELÉCTRICOS REVI QUINTELA)
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