MATELEC Industrial Tables, conclusions of the participants


Representatives of installers, distributors and manufacturers debated in Santiago about the peculiar moment of the electricity sector, which faces a vertiginous process of digitalisation to which companies have to respond in order not to be left out of the market.

One of the consequences of this transition from the electromechanical to the digital world, according to those attending the event, is the need for certain professional profiles that, today, are scarce in the labor market. The qualification in the technologies of the Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things is indispensable to develop in fields like the cybersecurity or the analysis of data, and the regulated training does not seem, at the moment, effective at the time of covering this demand.

Attention was also drawn to the precise financing needed to adapt to changes and implement new systems, as the disadvantage that small and medium-sized companies have over the most important companies and resources is evident.

The need for a gradual process is thus imposed, based on the association and collaboration of the sector's protagonists in order to achieve an effective and less traumatic transformation. The aim of Industry 4.0 is, according to the commercial director of MATELEC, Santiago Díez, "to manufacture more, better and cheaper ir order to be more competitive and sell more".


Esta entidade foi beneficiaria da convocatoria de axudas a servizos modulares de asesoramento especializado a empresas galegas prestados por entidades colaboradoras

O obxectivo principal destas axudas é o reforzo do crecemento sustentable e a competitividade das pemes e a creación de emprego nestas, taménmediante investimentos produtivos.

O resultado que se pretende acadar é a posta en marcha dun programa de servizos a pemes que, a través de empresas colaboradoras, permita ás pemes executar proxectos de mellora en distintos ámbitos relacionados co seu desenvolvemento estratéxico, profesionalización e innovación.


Proxecto acollido ao programa de incentivos 1, 2 e 3 vencellados ao autoconsumo e ao almacenamento no sector servizos e noutros sectores produtivos, no marco do Plan de Recuperación, Transformación e Resiliencia europeo, financiado pola Unión Europea - NextGenerationEU (código de procedemento IN421W)


Compoñente (C7:I1) Actuacións de xeración con enerxías renovables
Inversión TotalInversión Total 406.926,00 €
Importe da axuda 122.077,80 €
Potencia (kW) 550,375 kWp

Real Decreto 477/2021 - Resolución do 29 de setembro de 2021

Acceso al informe para instalaciones de más de 100 KW (CONDUCTORES ELÉCTRICOS REVI QUINTELA)
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