Galician students explore the industrial world with Grupo Revi


Students from the 1st Course of Middle Grade Cycle in Microcomputer Systems and Networks at CIFP Carballeira in Ourense have taken a crucial step in their understanding of the industrial environment thanks to Grupo Revi. Accompanied by members of the management team, these 28 young people had the opportunity to visit two production plants of the company, located in Quintela de Canedo and in the industrial area of Veintiuno in Ourense.

During the visit, students were immersed in the complete cable production process, from the initial drawing of copper to rigorous quality controls, including wiring, extrusion, and winding. Julio Iglesias, CEO of Grupo Revi, played a prominent role by delivering an inspiring talk at the educational center and personally accompanying the students during their visit to the facilities.

These activities are part of the "Empresa familiar nas aulas" program, a collaboration between Afundación Obra Social ABANCA and the Galician Association of Family Business, which in its 4th edition has involved 900 students from across Galicia. Grupo Revi, with its six industrial plants specializing in the manufacture of electrical conductors and pipes, highlights its commitment to the training of the next workforce generation and acknowledges the crucial role of family businesses in the economic fabric of Galicia.


Esta entidade foi beneficiaria da convocatoria de axudas a servizos modulares de asesoramento especializado a empresas galegas prestados por entidades colaboradoras

O obxectivo principal destas axudas é o reforzo do crecemento sustentable e a competitividade das pemes e a creación de emprego nestas, taménmediante investimentos produtivos.

O resultado que se pretende acadar é a posta en marcha dun programa de servizos a pemes que, a través de empresas colaboradoras, permita ás pemes executar proxectos de mellora en distintos ámbitos relacionados co seu desenvolvemento estratéxico, profesionalización e innovación.


Proxecto acollido ao programa de incentivos 1, 2 e 3 vencellados ao autoconsumo e ao almacenamento no sector servizos e noutros sectores produtivos, no marco do Plan de Recuperación, Transformación e Resiliencia europeo, financiado pola Unión Europea - NextGenerationEU (código de procedemento IN421W)


Compoñente (C7:I1) Actuacións de xeración con enerxías renovables
Inversión TotalInversión Total 406.926,00 €
Importe da axuda 122.077,80 €
Potencia (kW) 550,375 kWp

Real Decreto 477/2021 - Resolución do 29 de setembro de 2021

Acceso al informe para instalaciones de más de 100 KW (CONDUCTORES ELÉCTRICOS REVI QUINTELA)
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